About Us

The aim of Core Management Solutions is to go far beyond the normal service levels of a traditional website design company.
It is our primary aim to directly invest in your success by gaining a full understanding of your short, mid and long term objectives for your website, then partner in that immediate success by building affordable and effective solutions that have been customized to specifically fulfill your needs. We have been operating with our unique strategy for over 10+ years and have found great success with our philosophy.
We know that the more successful you become in achieving your goals and objectives, the deeper our relationship will grow. It has been proven that your satisfaction often directly results in great referrals that can be shared both ways between our two companies.

Services and Service Providers:
The Core Development Team has built custom software that easily customizes to your specific needs, affordably. Our software is easy to learn, easy to use and often streamlines many of the efforts you undertake not only in regard to your website management, but also business processes as well. During the journey of developing our software, we have built strategic relationships with over 80+ "Channel Partners" across the world that specialize in working with our customers to fulfill their needs of: Graphic Design, Web Development, Marketing Consultation, Video Production, Business Consulting and many other areas.
In partnership with their extended services, Core Management Solutions can now act as your one-stop-shop for all of your development or business needs if you so desire. We have found in our experience that it often helps to work with one main vendor that truly understands your needs and can deliver unified solutions that best suit your budget and vision; rather than juggle many vendors that do not necessarily know or understand what the other is doing. That being said, we are also more than willing to directly work with any vendor you may already have in place that covers any and all areas that have been mentioned. The aim is to give you the best customized service that best fits with your specific needs and goals while making no compromises along the way. Therefore if you have already been working with a design team you already have grown to appreciate, we look forward to working along-side them in the process. That is in part how we have achieved over 80+ partnering relationships that have solid reputations and are a pleasure to work with.

Website Development Strategy:
The first step with working with Core Management Solutions is to setup a meeting, where members of our consulting team can obtain a deep and meaningful understanding your needs, wants, dreams, desires and goals. We will ask you a series of questions that will help us not only understand what your desires may be, but also may cause you to think differently about what could be possible with your website. Depending on your goals we may suggest ways to save money, increase revenue or streamline the operations of your business or organization if you allow us to.
Once the initial consulting has been complete, we can then design a custom strategy for your continued success.
If you are new to the internet or new to ecommerce and are unsure of what best direction to take, there is no need for concern. While consulting with you, our team will help outline possible strategies of success so that you can embark down a customized journey with full confidence that you are leading toward the goals you have set-forth.

Once an outline for your success has been built, our team will then contact any and all service providers that are best suitable to deliver your specific needs within the budget that has been agreed upon.
Depending on your needs we may employ:

Graphic Design Teams:
To upgrade the look and feel of your website and more than likely communicate your corporate vision, mission or ecommerce concerns more effectively to your target audience.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO Teams:
This service can help give your site popularity on the internet causing it to rank highly for the specific searches you desire for your website. There is no point in building a website that no one will see. Through this service we will see to it that your site becomes well known.

Custom Development Teams:
There may be times where you require specific custom design expertise; whereas you may desire your site to integrate with other sites and/or custom rules for shipping or accounting. We assure, that we can create a service that perfectly fits your specific industry or business needs.

Miscellaneous Needs:
At times you may require other services like video, screen printing, marketing and promotion strategies and more.... In this case you can be rest assured that through the Core Management Solutions' channel partner relationships we may already have a vendor that best suits your requirements; or can develop new relationships quickly to fulfill your needs.

If you already have preferred vendors that presently fulfill your requirements than that is excellent! It is not our desire to compete directly with any of them. We are more than willing to contact any and all of your present service providers that you are satisfied with and build a new working relationship in order to best revolutionize your business management experience. Core Management Solutions is continually expanding our Channel Partner relationships and is always on the lookout for new or even upcoming talent that can provide excellent service and client satisfaction.

We look forward to setting up a relationship where we can understand your successes and frustrations, in order to build a direction that is not only affordable but also effective to bring you to new levels of achievement and success.

If you already have a working relationship with one of our channel partners, feel free to continue to work directly with them and we will contact you through that relationship as needed.

Become a member of Canadian Invasion

Become a member by supporting a participant, taking part in our ongoing classes that give real-world experience, or even enjoy the corporate benefits of working directly with your team in many ways.

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Shop from the many services Canadian Invasion provides and not only experinece a world-class service, but also know that you are directly giving opportunity for students to learn their craft.

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